What will the classrooms of the future look like? Altus Schools are bringing to life a learning environment where student achievement will thrive in the 21st Century.
FORBES.com writer, Michael Horn, visits The Charter School of San Diego, Lake Murray Resource Center--The first of many Altus Schools Resource Centers to receive a complete remodel featuring upgraded furnishings, collaborative and independent study spaces, and new technology.
“I’ve visited several schools located in storefronts over the years, but this one made my jaw drop. The facility is pristine, orderly and inspiring. This is a place where anyone would want to work—a professional adult or a student—in stark contrast to most school classrooms." - Michael Horn Reports
Read more of the FORBES article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelhorn/2019/10/17/spotlight-on-altus-schools-and-an-antidote-to-online-credit-recovery/#1a460ae378a8